Senate debates
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Matters of Public Interest
1:55 pm
Guy Barnett (Tasmania, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
‘A very good man,’ Senator Macdonald says. He is, and he is fighting for Tasmania. I also met with Peter Gutwein, the shadow Treasurer, and likewise have previously talked to the Hon. Jeremy Rockliff, the shadow minister for infrastructure. They all want a solution to this dilatory and negligent, potentially reckless behaviour.
This would deliver benefits for small business throughout Tasmania. It is not just for those in Hobart and those in Launceston; the benefits would flow throughout the community to the rural and regional communities, not just to small business. This will benefit those who are involved in education and those who are involved in health in those rural and regional committees in Tassie. Remember that we are the most decentralised state in Australia.
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