Senate debates
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008
In Committee
9:56 am
Rachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source
I thank the minister. Prior to getting into the detail, I would like to ask a series of general questions that follow on from the minister’s response. Perhaps I could clarify the position on the review the minister just asked about. The Greens have been talking to Senator Xenophon, who has slightly modified his amendment and we are happy to support his review. Minister, you were seeking clarification; I do not think you like the clarification that much, but there you go!
I would now like to ask some questions. Perhaps I could ask some questions about a couple of the issues that were at the end of my list, because the minister touched on them just then. One is the education campaign, or the issue about information provision, which the minister touched on, that concerns ensuring that providers and Centrelink are well informed of the amendments to this legislation. But it is also very important that job seekers are well informed. I am wondering what level of resources the government is going to commit to that education, when it is going to start and how it is going to proceed. I will also indicate now—although I appreciate that the minister may not have all the details—that the Greens want to be assured that this is in fact going to happen. I am wondering what mechanism can be undertaken to ensure that we are informed about the education campaign that is going to be undertaken.
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