Senate debates
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008
In Committee
10:22 am
Joe Ludwig (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Government Business in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
As I understand the question and if I could paraphrase it: once the trigger is reached for the CCA, will a person be able to commit further failures and thereby lose income while the CCA is being conducted? Once the CCA—which is the way we will address it—has been triggered, no further incidence of noncompliance will be considered until the CCA has been conducted. That provides the ability for us to respond quickly as well. It requires Centrelink to do the work as quickly as possible. It will provide a more beneficial outcome.
With indulgence, could I say that there is a meeting I have to go to. I am sure Senator Carr will be able to confidently provide answers to the questions put. I will be back shortly. It is necessary for me to depart, given that I think I will be talking about chamber management for the next couple of weeks. Forgive me for that and excuse me. I will leave Senator Carr in my place but I will return as soon as I can. If there are matters that you want to put to me, I am happy to deal with them in a short while.
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