Senate debates
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008
In Committee
10:25 am
Kim Carr (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research) Share this | Hansard source
The no show, no pay penalties mean the job seeker incurs a financial penalty for every reported day of nonparticipation in an activity without a reasonable excuse. No show, no pay penalties are intended to instil a work-like culture and, as such, the penalty represents a proportion of the job seeker’s payment. This effectively means 10 per cent of the job seeker’s fortnightly payment for each day of failure. This does not affect rent assistance, pharmaceutical allowances or youth disability supplements but it does apply to any supplement the job seeker is receiving for participation in Green Corps or Work for the Dole. As is currently the case, access to health cards and family tax benefits will not be affected. Resuming participation will result in a resumption of income support and employment services. A no show, no pay failure means that noncompliance will have an immediate financial impact, but the extent of the penalty will be at the hands of job seekers.
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