Senate debates
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Employment Services Reform) Bill 2008
In Committee
11:16 am
Cory Bernardi (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector) Share this | Hansard source
The coalition does not support these amendments moved by the Greens. I think Senator Ludwig has outlined a number of reasonable arguments about why they should not be supported. I would like to make the following observations, Senator Siewert. What concerns me with these amendments is that it appears that you are seeking to find every excuse under the sun why people should not be penalised for failing to fulfil an obligation that is a very reasonable obligation—either to seek work or, in this case, to hang onto the job that they have. You mentioned the amount of harassment that arose in evidence to the Senate committee. There are a number of forums and avenues in which people can try to redress any difficulties in the workplace or if they are forced out of work. I agree with Senator Ludwig that there have to be very narrow parameters. Unfortunately, in your amendment the parameters are far too broad for me; they are far too broad for the coalition. It also does not reflect the coalition’s belief that there needs to be some personal responsibility and accountability. If someone is gainfully employed and they decide that they do not want to be gainfully employed anymore, and they participate in some misconduct, I find it hard to believe that many people would support that as a reason or a justification for them to be receiving some sort of benefit. I hope I am wrong, frankly, about the Greens amendments looking to make excuses for everyone to get out of this but, as we have been going through this, that has been a common theme and it fills me with some concern.
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