Senate debates
Monday, 15 March 2010
Questions without Notice: Additional Answers
Hobart Private Hospital
3:05 pm
Chris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
Mr President, I seek leave to incorporate an answer to a question asked of me by Senator Barnett on Tuesday, 9 March, when I was representing the Minister for Health and Ageing. I have the answer for him. It was a question related to the National Health Care Agreement.
Leave granted.
The answer reads as follows—
DATE ASKED: Tuesday 09 March 2010
SENATOR BARNETT asked the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Ageing, during Senate Question Time on Tuesday 09 March 2010: Has the Rudd government committed funding to redeveloping the Hobart Private Hospital site? If so, how much?
SENATOR EVANS — The Minister for Health and Ageing has provided the following answer to the honourable senator's question:
Under the National Healthcare Agreement, the Commonwealth is providing $64 billion to the states and territories over five years to improve health and hospital systems. This includes $1.38 billion for Tasmania, which is an extra $458 million for Tasmania compared to the former agreement.
Under the national health reform plan announced by the Prime Minister on 3 March 2010, the Commonwealth will fund 60 per cent of the efficient price of every public hospital service delivered in Australia, as well as 60 per cent of the capital, and 60 per cent of the research and training costs conducted in public hospitals.
States will continue to be responsible for meeting the remaining costs of public hospital services, including meeting any costs over and above the efficient price, as well as the remainder of research, training, and capital costs.
The Rudd Government is committed to working through the details of this plan with the states and territories.
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