Senate debates

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Television) Bill 2010

In Committee

10:39 am

The Temporary Chairman:

The government opposes schedule 1 in the following terms:

(12)  Schedule 1, items 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, page 21 (line 9) to page 22 (line 9), to be opposed.

(55)  Schedule 1, item 94, page 66 (lines 18 to 32), to be opposed.

(56)  Schedule 1, item 96, page 67 (lines 5 to 19), to be opposed.

(71)  Schedule 1, item 113, page 71 (lines 23 to 27), to be opposed.

The question is that schedule 1, items 36 to 40, 94, 96 and 113, stand as printed.

Question negatived.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Bill reported with amendments; report adopted.


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