Senate debates
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Ministerial Arrangements
5:21 pm
Chris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
by leave—I have the honour to inform the Senate that, following the election held on 21 August 2010, the Governor-General commissioned the Prime Minister to form a government. Ministers and parliamentary secretaries were appointed on 14 September 2010. For the information of honourable senators I have a list of the full ministry. The document lists all ministers and parliamentary secretaries and the offices they hold. It shows those ministers who comprise the cabinet and provides details of representation arrangements in each chamber. I would also like to inform the Senate that Senator McEwen has been elected as the Government Whip in the Senate and that Senator Carol Brown and Senator Polley have been elected as Deputy Government Whips in the Senate. I look forward to working with them in their new roles.
I would like to congratulate all our frontbenchers on their election to the roles of ministers and parliamentary secretaries. I am pleased to say we have a larger frontbench than last time, although we are down one minister—but that position has been ably replaced by five parliamentary secretaries. I would particularly like to congratulate Senators Lundy, Collins, Feeney and Farrell on their new appointments and to welcome Senator McLucas on her return to the frontbench. I would also like to place on record my thanks to the other members of the government team who served on the frontbench in the first term of the government for the contribution they made. I particularly note the contributions of Senator Faulkner and Senator Stephens, who no doubt will continue to serve with distinction in the Senate.
In conclusion, on behalf of Labor senators I note the passing of Neil Bessell, who I understand passed away on 5 July this year. Neil was a long-serving and dedicated Senate officer who was known to all senators. On behalf of the government and, I am sure, all members of the Senate, I would like to acknowledge Neil’s contribution to the Senate and extend our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
I would also like to congratulate those members of the coalition who have been appointed to their frontbench, particularly those who have recently moved into shadow ministerial roles. We look forward to crossing swords with them in the years to come.
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