Senate debates
Monday, 22 November 2010
Questions without Notice
2:27 pm
Stephen Conroy (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
As I was saying, it is not the practice—and it certainly will not be the practice—to reveal when cabinet is going to take place and, more importantly, what the agenda of cabinet is. Those opposite know that. They are seeking merely to create ongoing colour and movement because after 14 years those opposite have a broadband plan that consists of three dot points. That is all they have got, Mr President. There is no substance from those on the other side of the chamber—not in policy terms, and in political terms Senator Joyce has let the cat out of the bag. They are not interested in the business plan. They are not interested in a cost-benefit analysis; they are interested in pulling out, as he said, the card from the pack to try and make the pack collapse. They are interested in no substantive policy at all. They should be exposed for their fraudulent efforts both now and in the past in trying to pretend they have got a broadband plan. You have got a three-dot-point broadband plan. That is all they have got, Mr President. (Time expired)
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