Senate debates

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Questions without Notice


2:09 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

but apparently not of great importance to the opposition—that is, the issue of the creation of jobs in the Australian economy. It is something that we on this side regard as a priority and something those on that side have turned their backs on. This is a government that stands for jobs—for job creation and jobs for Australians. Since we came to office, there have been some 650,000 jobs created. In the past year alone, there have been some 375,000 jobs created. Current unemployment rates are at 5.4 per cent, with the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook forecasting falling unemployment to levels with a four in front of them. This is very good news for Australian job seekers. We are seeing low unemployment rates coupled with forecasts of good growth and strong public finances. That demonstrates this government’s sound approach to economic management.

The reality is that when the global financial crisis hit, this government made a decision to stand for jobs. Those opposite turned their backs on that. When this country faced the global financial crisis, those opposite—who are so intent on wrecking and opposing and delaying—responded by opposing the very measures which have ensured that we have one of the lowest unemployment rates of any advanced economy in the world. They opposed the very measures which have ensured that we avoided the rubble of a recession, with all of the social impacts we know come with high levels of unemployment. All they do is oppose. (Time expired)


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