Senate debates

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Questions without Notice

Asylum Seekers

2:55 pm

Photo of Kim CarrKim Carr (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research) Share this | Hansard source

I think it would be only reasonable to acknowledge that there are considerable pressures on accommodation facilities within detention centres across the country. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship will continue to manage facilities with flexibility and move clients across the network as necessary to ease overcrowding. The government has sought to provide additional accommodation facilities for irregular maritime arrivals and the minister has announced the expansion of accommodation at a number of centres across the country. The government has announced additional accommodation facilities right through South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and the additional capacity is progressively coming on line. Accommodation for families—for some 280 people—will, for instance, be available at Inverbrackie. The provision of detention accommodation facilities is about ensuring that there is appropriate amenity and sufficient capacity across the country to ensure that we are able to provide for accommodation needs, including on Christmas Island. Given that it was the Howard government that built the facilities on Christmas Island, I am somewhat surprised that the coalition now wants to question the use of those facilities. One has to face the fact that, when it comes to dealing with the coalition on these issues, one has to deal with considerable hypocrisy. (Time expired)


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