Senate debates
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Questions without Notice
Square Kilometre Array
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:
[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number. An explanatory statement is tabled with an instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk.]
Aged Care Act—
Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy – Adjusted Subsidy Reduction) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01152].
Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy – Amount of Enteral Feeding Supplement) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01159].
Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy – Multi-Purpose Services) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01160].
Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2010-2011—Advance to the Finance Minister—No. 4 of 2010-2011 [F2011L01128].
Banking Act—
Banking Exemption No. 1 of 2011 [F2011L01146].
Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations—
Direction relating to foreign currency transactions and to Libya; variation of exemptions – amendment to the annexes, dated 16 June 2011 [F2011L01111].
Direction relating to foreign currency transactions and to Syria, dated 16 June 2011 [F2011L01115].
Variations of exemptions, dated 16 June 2011—
Civil Aviation Act—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—Airworthiness Directives—
AD/DHC-1/22 Amdt 4—Tailplane Structure [F2011L01129].
AD/DHC-1/25 Amdt 3—Wing Flaps [F2011L01132].
AD/DHC-1/28 Amdt 10—Undercarriage Mounting Casting [F2011L01119].
AD/DHC-1/31 Amdt 3—Fin Rear Spar [F2011L01126].
AD/DHC-1/39 Amdt 1—Flap Operating System Latch Plate [F2011L01125].
Corporations Act—ASIC Class Order [CO 11/557] [F2011L01141].
Customs Act—Tariff Concession Orders—
0839787 [F2011L01112].
0908361 [F2011L01127].
0911232 [F2011L01139].
0919012 [F2011L01136].
0919527 [F2011L01143].
0921209 [F2011L01134].
0924758 [F2011L01154].
0925639 [F2011L01117].
0925651 [F2011L01140].
0926784 [F2011L01121].
0941410 [F2011L01150].
0948193 [F2011L01144].
0948791 [F2011L01122].
1000123 [F2011L01130].
1010349 [F2011L01157].
1014366 [F2011L01138].
1029910 [F2011L01108].
1030736 [F2011L01096].
1037721 [F2011L01085].
1038747 [F2011L01101].
1041369 [F2011L01109].
1044726 [F2011L01158].
1045550 [F2011L01120].
Fuel Tax Act—Road User Charge Determination (No. 1) 2011 [F2011L01164].
Health Insurance Act—
Health Insurance (Gippsland and South Eastern New South Wales Mobile MRI Service) Amendment Determination 2011 [F2011L01155].
Instrument No. RPB 1 of 2011—Declaration of Relevant Professional Bodies [F2011L01116].
Migration Act—Migration Regulations—Instruments IMMI—
11/007—Payment of visa application charges and fees in foreign currencies [F2011L01110].
11/041—Specification of income threshold and annual earnings [F2011L01137].
11/042—Level of salary and exemptions to the English language requirement for Subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay)) Visas [F2011L01131].
National Health Act—Continence Aids Payment Scheme Variation 2011 (No. 3) [F2011L01162].
National Rental Affordability Scheme Act—Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 95—National Rental Affordability Scheme Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L01124].
Private Health Insurance Act—Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirements) Amendment Rules 2011 (No. 3) [F2011L01145].
Return to Order
I present correspondence from the Minister for Small Business (Senator Sherry) relating to an order of the production of documents concerning mining tax.
The following answers to questions were circulated:
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