Senate debates
Monday, 4 July 2011
Questions on Notice
Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations: Websites (Question No. 400)
Chris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
The answer to the honourable senator's question is as follows:
Attachment A contains a list of domain names that represent active websites used by the department, related statutory bodies or agents on the department's behalf. A number of additional domain names have been registered to protect the trademarks held by the department.
The majority of departmental websites are developed in-house using existing staff from program areas, communication and IT teams from across the department. The department often uses in-house resources to develop websites for its statutory bodies and agencies, consistent with APS guidelines. In some cases elements of production of a website may be outsourced to support in-house activities. The department does not attribute costs of the various activities associated with the production of each website to that particular website.
Maintenance of websites is routinely performed using in-house resources, contracted service providers or a combination of both. The department does not attribute costs of the various activities associated with the ongoing content development and maintenance of each website.
Attachment A
List of DEEWR domain names for active websites.
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