Senate debates

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Matters of Public Importance

Carbon Pricing

6:22 pm

Photo of Trish CrossinTrish Crossin (NT, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you very much, sir. Let me just give you one really good example of a ramble. I am surprised—but maybe the next speaker might go to this. This is an example of why we would be happy to debate endlessly in this chamber our policy on putting a price on carbon. The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Abetz, just today, talking about the position that Qantas has taken in taking jobs offshore, said this:

Clearly Labor’s Carbon Tax has not assisted Qantas in its need to compete internationally.

Suddenly, today, that is the carbon price's problem. That is this government's problem. Senator Abetz went on to say:

Planes can’t fly without fuel and the imposition of Labor’s Carbon Tax will have on operating costs is bad news for the aviation sector.

Guess what? This is another example of the mistruths, mismanagement and clear lack of understanding that we have from the opposition in this parliament, because—wait for it—there is actually no tax being applied to aviation fuel. Not only that, but our policy kicks in on 1 July next year, so how can you possibly blame the position that Qantas has taken—


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