Senate debates

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Questions without Notice

Trade Unions

2:00 pm

Photo of Chris EvansChris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

Unfortunately, it does not help me because I am not aware of the company. But in terms of my portfolio responsibilities, I am responsible for Fair Work Australia and they have obligations under the act to inquire into matters that relate to trade unions and may impact on their registration or operations. Those are set out in the act. They pursue those obligations assiduously. They are matters that they inquire into independently of any sort of ministerial direction. I am not aware of what inquiries or investigations they have other than that obviously there is one in relation to the HSU, which the senator who asked the question is very well aware of and asked questions about at a series of estimates hearings. I am not in receipt of any particular information on or knowledge of the matters to which he alludes but I am not all that clear what he is referring to other than, obviously, the HSU matter, where there is an ongoing investigation. It has been indicated by Fair Work Australia that they expect to conclude that investigation in the second half of this year and, obviously, they will complete those inquiries and then recommend whatever action they think is appropriate in accordance with their obligations under the act.


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