Senate debates
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Sue Boyce (Queensland, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
On behalf of the President, pursuant to standing orders 38 and 166 I present documents listed on today's Order of Business at item 13, which have been presented to the Deputy President and temporary chairs of committees since the Senate last sat. In accordance with the terms of the standing orders, the publication of the documents was authorised.
The list read as follows—
(a) Committee reports
1. Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee––Final report, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented to the committee––Exposure drafts of Australian privacy amendment legislation––Part 2––Credit reporting (received 6 October 2011).
2. Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Immigration Detention Network––Interim report (received 7 October 2011).
3. Select Committee on the Scrutiny of New Taxes––Interim report, together with the Hansard record of proceedings and documents presented to the committee––The Carbon Tax: Economic pain for no environmental gain (received 7 October 2011).
(b) Government documents
1. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)––Telecommunications reports for 2009-10––Report 1: Telecommunications competitive safeguards; Report 2: Changes in the prices paid for telecommunications services in Australia (received 23 September 2011)
2. Family Law Council––Report for 2010-11 (received 28 September 2011)
3. Department of Finance and Deregulation––Campaign advertising by Australian government departments and agencies––Report for 2010-11 (received 30 September 2011)
4. Final budget outcome 2010-11 (received 4 October 2011)
5. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry––Report for 2010-11 (received 6 October 2011)
6. Administrative Review Council––Report for 2010-11 (received 7 October 2011).
(c) Report of the Auditor-General
Australian National Audit Office––Report for 2010-11––Corrections (received 23 September 2011)
(d) Return to order
Correspondence––Order for the production of documents––New Zealand––Export of apples to Australia (motion of Senator Colbeck agreed to 20 September 2011) (received 7 October 2011)
(e) Letters of advice relating to Senate orders
1. Lists of departmental and agency appointments and vacancies:
2. Lists of departmental and agency grants:
Ordered that the committee reports be printed in accordance with the usual practice.
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