Senate debates
Monday, 21 November 2011
Tobacco Plain Packaging Bill 2011; Returned from the House of Representatives
The following documents were tabled by the Clerk:
[Legislative instruments are identified by a Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) number. An explanatory statement is tabled with an instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk.]
Acts Interpretation Act—Statements pursuant to subsection 34C(6) relating to the extension of specified period for presentation of reports—
AAF Company—Report for 2010-11.
Anindilyakwa Land Council—Report for 2010-11.
Northern Land Council—Report for 2010-11.
Airspace Act—Airspace Regulations—Instruments Nos CASA OAR—
152/11—Determination of airspace and controlled aerodromes etc [F2011L02379].
153/11—Designation of air routes; Determination of conditions for use of air routes [F2011L02377].
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act—
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Beef Export to the USA – Quota Year 2012) Order 2011 [F2011L02386].
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Export to the European Union – Quota Year 2012) Order 2011 [F2011L02389].
Civil Aviation Act—
Civil Aviation Order 100.6 Repeal Instrument 2011 [F2011L02390].
Civil Aviation Regulations—Instruments Nos CASA—
461/11—Instructions – for approved use of P-RNAV procedures – Execujet Australia Pty Limited [F2011L02368].
462/11—Instructions – for approved use of P-RNAV procedures – Sundown Pastoral Co Pty Ltd [F2011L02367].
Civil Aviation Regulations and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—Instrument No. CASA 442/11—Instructions and exemption – B767-300 RNAV (RNP-AR) approaches [F2011L02376].
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations—Revocation of Airworthiness Directives—Instrument No. CASA ADCX 024/11 [F2011L02319].
Commissioner of Taxation—Public Rulings—
Class Rulings—
Addendum—CR 2011/72.
CR 2011/96.
Fuel Tax Rulings—Addenda—FTR 2006/2 and FTR 2006/3.
Goods and Services Tax Industry Issue—Addendum, dated 2 November 2011.
Product Rulings—
Addendum—PR 2007/67.
PR 2011/18.
Corporations Act—
Accounting Standard AASB 2011-10—Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 119 (September 2011) [F2011L02334].
ASIC Class Order [CO 11/1140] [F2011L02348].
Customs Act—
Tariff Concession Orders—
1045334 [F2011L02327].
1100793 [F2011L02322].
1105243 [F2011L02338].
1105427 [F2011L02324].
1105487 [F2011L02347].
1105579 [F2011L02332].
1106403 [F2011L02323].
1109274 [F2011L02352].
1111591 [F2011L02316].
1111661 [F2011L02349].
1111756 [F2011L02320].
1112020 [F2011L02337].
1112267 [F2011L02335].
1112365 [F2011L02359].
1112409 [F2011L02326].
1112412 [F2011L02340].
1112481 [F2011L02342].
1112568 [F2011L02362].
1112633 [F2011L02343].
1112959 [F2011L02321].
1113035 [F2011L02350].
1113295 [F2011L02331].
1113301 [F2011L02333].
1113307 [F2011L02361].
1113321 [F2011L02339].
1113893 [F2011L02351].
1113932 [F2011L02360].
1114141 [F2011L02314].
1114144 [F2011L02355].
1114304 [F2011L02358].
1114653 [F2011L02313].
1114753 [F2011L02329].
1114754 [F2011L02328].
1114827 [F2011L02330].
1114829 [F2011L02315].
1114830 [F2011L02317].
1115023 [F2011L02318].
1115196 [F2011L02345].
1115409 [F2011L02344].
Tariff Concession Revocation Instruments—
26/2011 [F2011L02364].
27/2011 [F2011L02366].
28/2011 [F2011L02336].
29/2011 [F2011L02341].
31/2011 [F2011L02353].
32/2011 [F2011L02363].
33/2011 [F2011L02356].
34/2011 [F2011L02365].
35/2011 [F2011L02354].
150/2011 [F2011L02357].
Defence Act—Determination under section 58B—Defence Determination 2011/50—Post indexes – amendment.
Education Services for Overseas Students Act—Education Services for Overseas Students (Designated Authority) Determination 2011 (No. 2) [F2011L02388].
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act—Amendment of list of exempt native specimens—EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/44 [F2011L02385].
Excise Act—
Excise (Volume of Liquid Fuels – Temperature Correction) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L02373].
Excise (Volume of LPG – Temperature and Pressure Correction) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L02378].
Federal Financial Relations Act—Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial assistance) Determination No. 31 (October 2011) [F2011L02346].
Fisheries Management Act—NPF Direction No. 154 [F2011L02369].
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act—
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code—Standard 1.4.2 – Maximum Residue Limits Amendment Instrument No. APVMA 4, 2011 [F2011L02325].
Food Standards (Application A1041 – Food derived from SDA Soybean Line MON 87769) Variation [F2011L02372].
Food Standards (Application A1046 – Food derived from Herbicide-tolerant Soybean Line DAS-68416-4) Variation [F2011L02370].
Food Standards (Application A1047 – Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose as a Food Additive in Wine) Variation [F2011L02371].
Radiocommunications Act—
Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Aeronautical Licence) Amendment Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L02383].
Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Aircraft Licence) Determination 2011 (No. 1) [F2011L02381].
Radiocommunications (PMTS Jamming Devices – Visiting Forces and Suppliers) Exemption Determination 2011 [F2011L02382].
Remuneration Tribunal Act—Determination 2011/23: Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office [F2011L02384].
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act—Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment (Edition 2.1) [F2011L02375].
Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act—Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment (Edition 2.1) [F2011L02387].
Sydney Airport Curfew Act—Dispensation Report 07/11.
Telecommunications Act—
Telecommunications (Infringement Notices) Guidelines 2011 [F2011L02380].
Telecommunications (Listed Infringement Notice Provisions) Declaration 2011 [F2011L02374].
The following document was tabled pursuant to the order of the Senate of 30 May 1996, as amended:
Indexed lists of departmental and agency files for the period 1 January to 30 June 2011—Statement of compliance—Commonwealth Ombudsman.
The following answers to questions were circulated:
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