Senate debates

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Questions on Notice

Kimberley Coast (Question No. 1427)

Photo of Rachel SiewertRachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

asked the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, upon notice, on 7 November 2011:

(1) In regard to the social impact assessment which the minister is obliged to undertake in relation to the proposed Browse liquefied natural gas (LNG) precinct in the Kimberley, Western Australia, and given that the terms of reference for the Strategic Assessment contain no reference to how Social Impact reports will be considered or assessed and that the clarification to this point is Attachment C, titled Strategic Assessment – Endorsement Criteria which is attached to the original State and Commonwealth Agreement which states 'In arriving at a decision to approve an action or a class of actions the Minister must act in accordance with his obligations, including giving consideration to:

      (a) which specific social and/or economic matters is the Minister obliged to consider when deciding whether to approve an action or class of actions in relation to the proposed Browse LNG project;

      (b) how will any social or economic impact assessment report on which the Minister relies when making his decision be tested for veracity; and

      (c) given that chapter 14 of the Strategic Assessment's terms of reference recommends the establishment of a peer review panel to assess the social and economic impact reports prepared in relation to the proposed Browse LNG proposal, has such a panel been established; if not: (i) is such a panel intended to be established, or (ii) how will the Minister satisfy himself that he has sufficient reliable information upon which to base a decision that could irreversibly impact on a range of matters of national environmental significance.

      (2) Is the Minister aware of the many concerns raised by scientists and community groups as to the inadequacy of the scientific studies conducted for and relied upon by the proponent of the Browse LNG proposal.

      (3) With respect to the assessment of sites outside the Kimberley for the proposed Browse LNG Precinct:

      (a) is the Minister aware that the Strategic Assessments terms of reference require an analysis of feasible alternative locations for the Browse LNG precinct outside of the Kimberley;

      (b) is the Minister aware that the only analyses of feasible alternative non-Kimberley locations for the Browse LNG precinct are: (i) the report Comparative Analysis of the Feasibility of Alternative Locations for the Development of a Liquefied Natural Gas Precinct, dated January 2009 (the GHD report) which is relied upon in the Strategic Assessment Report as Appendix B-7; and (ii) the Worley Parsons 'Browse Onshore LNG Precinct Siting Study', 2008 (the Worley Parsons report) which is relied upon within the Strategic Assessment Report as Appendix B-5;

      (c) is the Minister aware that the then Minister of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts described the GHD report as 'a desk top review of opportunities and constraints associated with alternate brownfields sites – as such it is not a comprehensive nor definitive analysis...I am aware that additional investigations in relation to alternative sites are likely to be necessary...If necessary [we] will commission a further independent examination to enable a proper consideration of the merits of James Price Point in relation to other options';

      (d) is the Minister aware that the Worley Parsons report addresses and dismisses the non-Kimberley options in just half a page; and

      (e) does the Minister intent to require the proponent to prepare a comprehensive and definitive analysis of non-Kimberley sites prior to the Minister making his decision in relation to the Strategic Assessment of the Browse LNG precinct.


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