Senate debates

Monday, 27 February 2012

Questions without Notice


Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

We on this side understand that there are changes occurring in the global economy and therefore changes also occurring in the Australian economy and significant challenges facing some industries. That is why last year's budget invested some $3 billion in skills and training efforts to improve Australia's labour force participation and give more Australians the tools to participate in jobs today but, as importantly, in jobs tomorrow. It is why this government is investing in critical infrastructure including the NBN to drive productivity in our economy—something those opposite are committed to tearing down. It is why this government is spreading the benefits of the mining boom by introducing tax breaks for businesses which are not in the mining boom fast lane—tax breaks opposed by those opposite. The party of small business, the Liberal Party, is opposing tax breaks for small business, putting wealthy miners ahead of small business—that is the Liberal Party priority. (Time expired)


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