Senate debates
Monday, 19 March 2012
Questions on Notice
Immigration and Citizenship: Staffing (Question No. 1431)
Michaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration) Share this | Hansard source
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, upon notice, on 9 November 2011:
In regard to the interim replacement of the secretary of the department, Mr Andrew Metcalfe, with Mr Martin Bowles:
(1) What is the usual process for replacing a departmental secretary when they take extended leave.
(2) Was this process followed in this instance; if not, why not and what process was followed.
(3) When did Mr Metcalfe first raise his intention to take extended leave, and who was this communicated to.
(4) When did Mr Metcalfe formally submit a leave application for annual leave, study leave and long service leave.
(5) When were these applications formally approved and by whom.
(6) How many days will Mr Metcalfe be taking as study leave and what is the approved course of study to be undertaken during this time.
(7) How many days will Mr Metcalfe be taking as annual leave.
(8) How many days will Mr Metcalfe be taking as long service leave.
(9) Was the position advertised; if so, where was it advertised and on what date, and can a copy of the advertisement be provided; if not, why was it not advertised.
(10) How many applications were received for the position.
(11) How many applications were received from within the department.
(12) Were applicants required to address selection criteria; if so, can a copy of the selection criteria be provided.
(13) How many applicants were interviewed for the position.
(14) Were any applicants interviewed more than once; if so, how many.
(15) Did Mr Bowles submit a formal application for the position.
(16) Did Mr Bowles address the selection criteria.
(17) Can a copy of the memo sent to departmental staff advising of the appointment of Mr Bowles to the position of acting secretary be provided.
(18) What experience does Mr Bowles have: (a) in the department; and (b) with immigration policy.
(19) Given Mr Bowles' appointment as special advisor to the department from 5 December 2011, prior to taking up the position as secretary from March 2012: (a) what will his duties be as special advisor; and (b) does the position of special advisor have a role description; if so, can a copy of the description be provided.
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