Senate debates
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Questions on Notice
Infrastructure and Transport (Question No. 1727)
David Johnston (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, upon notice, on 20 March 2012:
With reference to the report that the Adagold Aviation Pty Ltd contracted Middle East Area of Operation (MEAO) aircraft, operated by the Portuguese carrier Hi Fly, was involved in an incident at Darwin airport after departing Sydney on Tuesday, 28 February 2012:
(1) When did the incident occur.
(2) What were the weather conditions when the Hi Fly aircraft experienced a heavy landing at the Darwin airport.
(3) What damage was sustained by the Hi Fly aircraft during the landing.
(4) What is the nationality of the pilot/s who landed the aircraft.
(5) What certification and qualifications are held by the pilot/s who landed the aircraft.
Was the aircraft inspected by Australian authorities to determine its air-worthiness; if so:
(a) when; and
(b) can a copy of the inspection report be provided.
Given that the aircraft involved in the incident was held in Darwin subject to a technical assessment by the aircraft operator and an investigation by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), can:
(a) details of the investigation into the technical status of the aircraft; and
(b) a copy of the ATSB report, be provided.
(6) When was the aircraft cleared by ATSB as ready to fly and operate on the MEAO Air Sustainment Charter.
(7) What was the age, model and condition of the aircraft.
(8) In regard to the replacement aircraft used to fly to Dubai:
(a) who provided the necessary certification enabling a replacement aircraft to be flown to Dubai without undergoing inspection in Australia;
(b) can a copy of this certification be provided;
(c) from whom was the aircraft chartered; and
(d) how did it meet the very strict operating conditions of the MEAO Air Sustainment Charter in such a short period of time.
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