Senate debates
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Questions on Notice
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (Question No. 1258)
Simon Birmingham (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray Darling Basin) Share this | Hansard source
asked the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, upon notice, on 22 September 2011:
(1) Can details be provided on total expenditure for the 2010-11 financial year for the department on:
(a) advertising;
(b) travel(including a breakdown of business versus economy and domestic versus international);
(c) hospitality and entertainment;
(d) information and communications technology;
(e) consultancy;
(f) education/training to staff;
(g) external accounting;
(h) external auditing;
(i) external legal; and
(j) memberships or grants paid to affiliate organisations.
(2) Can a breakdown of the expenditure in(1) be provided for each departmental group within the department on :
(a) advertising;
(b) travel(including a breakdown of business versus economy and domestic versus international);
(c) hospitality and entertainment;
(d) information and communications technology;
(e) consultancy;
(f) education/training to staff;
(g) external accounting;
(h) external auditing;
(i) external legal; and
(j) memberships or grants paid to affiliate organisations.
(3) Within each divisional area, can a breakdown of expenditure be provided, for each Assistant Secretary on:
(a) advertising;
(b) travel(including a breakdown of business versus economy and domestic versus international);
(c) hospitality and entertainment;
(d) information and communications technology;
(e) consultancy;
(f) education/training to staff;
(g) external accounting;
(h) external auditing;
(i) external legal; and
(j) memberships or grants paid to affiliate organisations.
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