Senate debates
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Statement and Documents
9:31 am
Penny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source
I table the following documents:
The Budget 2012-13—Statement by the Treasurer (Mr Swan), dated 8 May 2012.
Budget papers—
No. 1—Budget strategy and outlook 2012-13.
No. 2—Budget measures 2012-13.
No. 3—Australia’s federal relations 2012-13.
No. 4—Agency resourcing 2012-13.
Ministerial statements—
Australia’s international development assistance program 2012-13: Helping the world’s poor: Implementing effective aid—Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Bob Carr), dated 8 May 2012.
Continuing our efforts to close the gap—Statement by the Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Ms Macklin), dated 8 May 2012.
Securing a clean energy future: Implementing the Australian Government’s climate change plan—Statement by the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (Mr Combet), dated 8 May 2012.
Stronger regions, stronger nation—Statement by the Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government (Mr Crean), dated 8 May 2012.
I seek leave to move a motion in relation to the statement and documents.
Leave granted.
I move:
That the Senate take note of the budget statement and documents.
Debate (on motion by Senator Wong) adjourned.
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