Senate debates
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Questions on Notice
Qantas (Question No. 1329)
Eric Abetz (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | Hansard source
asked the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, upon notice, on 2 November 2011:
In regard to the decision made by Qantas on 29 October 2011 to lock out its staff and ground its fleet:
(1) At what time was the Minister's office informed that Qantas intended on locking out staff from Monday and grounding the fleet.
(2) At what time was the Minister informed that Qantas intended on locking out staff from Monday and grounding the fleet.
(3) Was the message conveyed that Mr Alan Joyce was available to speak to in regards to the advice that was provided.
(4) At what time was advice requested from the department.
(5) At what time was advice received from the department.
(6) At what time was a teleconference with ministers convened.
(7) At what time did the teleconference with ministers take place and which ministers were involved.
(8) Were any other people who were not Ministers involved in the teleconference; if so, who.
(9) Which minister made the final decision for the Government to take action under section 424 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act).
(10) At what time did the Minister intervene under section 424 of the Act.
(11) At what time was a brief: (a) prepared; and (b) provided to the lawyers representing the Government at Fair Work Australia.
(12) Was the Minister in receipt of any advice prior to 29 October 2011 that the Qantas dispute was having a damaging effect on any sectors of the Australian economy; if so, can details be provided, including who the advice was from and what was the advice.
(13) Was the Minister aware of any calls prior to 29 October 2011 for the Government to take action on the Qantas dispute; if so, can details be provided, including from whom the calls were made, the concern expressed and the Minister's action.
(14) Prior to 29 October 2011 and since May 2011, did the Minister or anyone in the Minister's office request information or prepare a note or briefing for the Minister on the use of sections 424 or 431 of the Act; if so, can details be provided including the date, who prepared the information and the reason for the request.
(15) Was the Minister aware that Qantas, under provisions of the Act, could take action to lock out their staff.
(16) Did the Minister have any concerns prior to 29 October 2011 that the ongoing Qantas dispute was having an impact on the Australian economy or sectors within it; if so, did the Minister take any action to deal with those concerns.
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