Senate debates

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Questions without Notice

Live Animal Exports

2:44 pm

Photo of Joe LudwigJoe Ludwig (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Again, Senator Back wants to dwell on a scare campaign. If he has any evidence of this then he should provide it to the relevant authorities. What is important to recognise is that this government continues to support the live animal export industry. We continue to ensure that it manages its animal welfare issues.

Those opposite want to ignore that. Those opposite would ensure that poor animal welfare outcomes would result. They would ensure that the trade would not have a bright future. They would make sure that the industry would not be able to have an animal welfare outcome, and that is the position that the opposition have taken. Of course, one of the animal welfare outcomes that the opposition want to do is take away the supply chain, and they want to ensure that the supply chain does not ensure that animal welfare outcomes are dealt with. All they want to do is harp on with the negative scare campaign on this industry. (Time expired)


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