Senate debates

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Questions on Notice

Employment and Workplace Relations (Question No. 1986)

Photo of Eric AbetzEric Abetz (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | Hansard source

asked the Minister representing the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, on notice, on 6 August 2012:

With reference to the Budget estimates hearings of the Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee in May 2012 and the answers to questions nos EW0045 13 and EW0042 13 taken on notice during the hearings:

(1) Did the Minister or the Minister's office approve each answer.

(2)    Did the Minister or the Minister's office make any amendments to either of the answers as drafted.

(3)    When was each answer first provided to the Minister's office.

(4)    When did the Minister approve each answer.

(5)    Can a copy of the signed briefs be provided; if not, why not.


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