Senate debates
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Questions on Notice
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Question No. 1965)
Stephen Conroy (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
The Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities has provided the following answer to the honourable senator’s question:
1. Emissions from non-road spark ignition engines are currently not regulated in Australia. Further work on this matter, since the the completion of the Consultation RIS, has included additional consultation with stakeholders, especially those who did not make submissions as part of the RIS process. Consideration of this matter is continuing in the context of the development of the National Plan for Clean Air which is a strategic priority agreed to by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) for the work program of the Standing Council for Environment and Water.
2 .A decision regulation impact statement has not been completed. Consideration of regulation of emissions from non-road spark ignition engines and equipment is continuing under the National Plan for Clean Air, and progression of this matter has yet to be considered by the Standing Council for Environment and Water.
3. Under COAG guidelines a robust assessment of the impacts of proposed regulations is required. The time required to complete a regulatory impact assessment process varies and is subject to a number of factors including the degree of analysis required and the complexity of the problem. The cost benefit analysis prepared in 2008 by McLennan Magasanik Associates provides economic modelling of net social benefits. These costs and benefits are expressed in money terms for the purpose of comparing policy options and cannot be directly compared to the current health budget. Analysis of the policy options has continued, taking into account submissions received on the consultation RIS.
4. Industry organisations representing sections of the market have sought the introduction of emission standards. Key stakeholders have had the opportunity to inform this process, including through engagement with Ministers and their offices.
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