Senate debates
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Distinguished Visitors
2:34 pm
Stephen Conroy (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
As senators know, the Gillard government is delivering the NBN to all Australians. Fixed wireless and satellite are being used to deliver the service to those premises outside the fibre footprint. The fixed wireless is surprising many with the quality of its service. A resident of Somerton, near Tamworth, Mr Lindsay Doyle told the Northern Daily Leader on 18 October that he had been opposed to the NBN fixed wireless service. Here is what he said:
Initially I thought it was a wicked waste of money and I just didn't understand it. Now that I've got on it, it's just made my life so much easier. I for one wasn't aware of its capabilities.
The Gillard government is delivering on its commitment. Senator Williams, sitting over there, ran around Somerton and Tamworth trying to oppose putting these powers up. (Time expired)
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