Senate debates
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Distinguished Visitors
2:39 pm
Penny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source
In terms of some of these questions—and that was a collective question, I think, not an individual one—I suspect the answer would be that we will not have this information until mining companies lodge a return at the end of the income year.
Senator Cormann interjecting—
Senator Cormann, I am very pleased to be lectured about what we should and should not be doing, but all I can say to you is that if there is any other information I can assist the Senate with I will endeavour to find it. But I suspect the advice will be that information about depreciation collectively across the mining industry, if it were to be available, would not be available until the end of the income year.
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