Senate debates
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Questions without Notice
2:51 pm
Stephen Conroy (Victoria, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source
What I can say, as I have said a couple of times, is 758,000 under construction or completed by the end of December this year. The NBN will connect that. To achieve the target of the 50,000-odd I think Senator Birmingham was talking about, we will have to something NBN Co. demonstrated to Senator Birmingham in the last joint parliamentary committee, where he did not have the guts to ask these questions—he did not have the guts to ask NBN a relevant question; neither did Mr Turnbull. They sit there and they talk about absolute rubbish. Mr Quigley in his opening statement tabled some documents which are available for every single one of you. What they show is that we will hit our targets. Mr Turnbull said back in February, 'Oh, they'll never meet 758,000.' Well, we will see what Mr Turnbull and you have to say— (Time expired)
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