Senate debates
Monday, 17 June 2013
Questions without Notice
2:55 pm
Kate Lundy (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation) Share this | Hansard source
Again I say to the opposition: we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve school funding, through our National Plan for School Improvement. Obviously, to legislate for these changes we need to identify the sources of funds that will help fund this unprecedented opportunity and, in doing so, we will bring forward the legislation.
What I find unfathomable and what the Australian people are asking of the opposition is why on earth they would reject such a visionary plan for our schools. Why are they so intent on unpicking the plan that is now before us? We have already seen their New South Wales counterparts come on board with the National Plan for School Improvement. We have seen their colleagues in the South Australian government come on board. I am very proud to see the ACT government has come on board, and we know that other states are actively contemplating the merits of the National Plan for School Improvement. (Time expired)
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