Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2013

Questions without Notice


2:19 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Marshall for his supplementary question. As I said before, millions of Australians will benefit from the government's superannuation reforms. We have new analysis, which was recently released by the Treasurer and Mr Shorten, which shows the significant gains from the increase to the superannuation guarantee across various sectors. I will go through some of them as requested. For example, the increase in superannuation savings for a 30-year-old employee who retires at age 67 and earns average full-time wages for their occupation will be around $75,000 for childcare employees, around $124,000 for construction and mining labourers and electricians, around $82,000 for hospitality workers, around $66,000 for hairdressers and around $79,000 for receptionists. Of course, the pool of national savings will increase by more than half a billion dollars by 2037 under the government's policies.


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