Senate debates
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
5:10 pm
John Hogg (President) Share this | Hansard source
I present documents listed on today's Order of Business at item 15, presented to the President, Deputy President and temporary chairs of committees after the Senate adjourned on 28 June 2013.
The list read as follows—
(a) Documents certified by the President
1. Department of the Senate—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
2. Parliamentary Service Commissioner—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
3. Department of Parliamentary Services—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
Parliamentary Budget Office—Report for 2012-13 (received 1 November 2013).
(b) Committee reports (pursuant to Senate standing order 38 (7))
1. Environment and Communications References Committee—Protection of Australia's threatened species and ecological communities—
Interim reports (received 4 , 23 and 31 July 2013).
Report, Hansard record of proceedings, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions (received 7 August 2013).
2. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Beef imports into Australia—
Interim report (received 5 July 2013). Report (received 12 July 2013). Erratum (received 8 August 2013).
3. Environment and Communications References Committee—Extreme weather events—Interim reports (received 10 and 23 July 2013).
Report, Hansard record of proceedings, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions (received 7 August 2013).
4. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Sports science in Australia—
Interim reports (received 10 and 15 July 2013).
Report, Hansard record of proceedings, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions (received 23 July 2013).
5. Environment and Communications References Committee—Report—Regulatory arrangements in dealing with the simultaneous transmission of radio programs, additional information and submissions (received 12 July 2013).
6. Community Affairs References Committee—Report—Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of people with disabilities in Australia, Hansard record of proceedings, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions (received 17 July 2013).
7. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Interim reports—
Fresh ginger import risk analysis
Fresh pineapple imports
New Zealand potatoes import risk analysis (received 19 July and 4 September 2013).
8. Environment and Communications References Committee—Report—Telstra licence conditions, and submissions (received 19 July 2013).
9. Treaties—Joint Standing Committee—Report 135: Treaties tabled on 12 March and 14 May 2013 (received 23 July 2013).
10. Law Enforcement—Joint Statutory Committee—Report—Spectrum for public safety mobile broadband, Hansard record of proceedings, additional information and submissions (received 23 July 2013).
11. Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit—Report 440—Annual report 2012-13 (received 26 July 2013).
12. Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee—Report—Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission: the role of gatekeepers in Australia's financial services system (received 29 July 2013).
13. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Australian citrus industry— Interim report (received 31 July 2013). Second interim report (received 27 September 2013).
14. Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Ownership arrangements of grain handling—
Interim report (received 31 July 2013).
Second interim report (received 30 August 2013).
15. Community Affairs References Committee—Impacts on health of air quality in Australia— Interim report (received 12 August 2013). Report, Hansard record of proceedings, documents presented to the committee, additional information and submissions (received 16 August 2013).
16. Community Affairs References Committee—Interim report—Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD) (received 12 August 2013).
17. Community Affairs Legislation Committee—Report—Social Security Legislation Amendment (Public Housing Tenants' Support) Bill 2013 [Provisions] (received 12 August 2013).
18. Community Affairs Legislation Committee—Report—Homelessness Bill 2013 [Provisions] and Homelessness (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [Provisions] (received 12 August 2013).
19. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee—Report—Telecommunications Amendment (Get a Warrant) Bill 2013, and submissions (received 20 August 2013).
20. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee—Report—African Development Bank Bill 2013 [Provisions], and submissions (received 20 August 2013).
21. Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee—Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill 2013—
Report, and submissions (received 20 August 2013). Erratum (received 21 August 2013).
22. Cyber Safety—Select Committee—Report—Options for addressing the issue of sexting by minors, Hansard record of proceedings, additional information and submissions (received 30 August 2013).
23. Environment and Communications Legislation Committee—Report—Copyright Legislation Amendment (Fair Go for Fair Use) Bill 2013, and submissions (received 20 September 2013).
24. Community Affairs Legislation Committee—Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013) (received 25 October 2013).
Community Affairs References Committee—Report—Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia, additional information and submissions (received 25 October 2013).
(c) Government responses to parliamentary committee reports (pursuant to Senate standing order 166)
1. Community Affairs References Committee—Report—The role of the Therapeutic Goods Administration regarding medical devices, particularly Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) breast implants (received 31 July 2013).
2. Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee—The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services—
Interim report, dated July 2013 (received 2 August 2013). Report, dated July 2013 (received 2 August 2013).
3. National Broadband Network—Joint Standing Committee—Fifth report—Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network, dated July 2013 (received 2 August 2013).
4. National Broadband Network—Select Committee—Second, third, fourth and final reports, dated July 2013 (received 2 August 2013).
(d) Government documents (pursuant to Senate standing order 166)
1. National Environment Protection Council (NEPC)—Third review of the National Environment Protection Council Acts (Commonwealth, State and Territory), dated December 2012, and response to the report of the third review, dated April 2013 (received 1 July 2013).
2. Gene Technology Regulator—Quarterly report for the period 1 January to 31 March 2013 (received 3 July 2013).
3. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Australia in the Asian Century: towards 2025— Country strategy:
China (received 29 August 2013). India (received 28 August 2013). Indonesia (received 5 July 2013). Japan (received 29 August 2013). South Korea (received 9 August 2013).
4. Australian Human Rights Commission—Audit report—Review into the treatment of women at the Australian Defence Force Academy, dated July 2013 (received 23 July 2013).
5. Department of Immigration and Citizenship—Access and equity in government services— Report for 2010-12 (received 26 July 2013).
6. Airservices Australia—Corporate plan 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018 (received 31 July 2013).
7. Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 and Freedom of Information Act 1982— Review on the operation of the Acts Report by Mr Allan Hawke AC, dated 1 July 2013 (received 2 August 2013).
8. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare—Australia's welfare 2013—Eleventh biennial report (received 7 August 2013).
9. Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education—Australian vocational education and training system—Report for 2011 (received 7 August 2013).
10. Civil Aviation Safety Authority—Corporate plan 2013-14 to 2015-16 (received 16 August 2013).
11. Sydney Airport Demand Management Act 1997—Quarterly report on the maximum movement limit for Sydney Airport for the period 1 April to 30 June 2013 (received 2 September 2013).
12. Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy—Report for 2012-13 (received 6 September 2013).
13. Moorebank Intermodal Company—Statement of corporate intent 2013 to 2014 (received 6 September 2013).
14. Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997—Live-stock mortalities during exports by sea—Report for the period 1 January to 30 June 2013 (received 13 September 2013).
15. Productivity Commission—Report No. 63—Safeguards inquiry into the import of processed tomato products, dated 18 September 2013 (received 26 September 2013).
16. Productivity Commission—Report No. 64—Safeguards inquiry into the import of processed fruit products, dated 18 September 2013 (received 26 September 2013).
17. Commonwealth Ombudsman—Report for 2012-13 on the Ombudsman's activities under Part V of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (received 1 October 2013).
18. Defence Abuse Response Taskforce—Third interim report to the Attorney-General and Minister for Defence, dated September 2013 (received 4 October 2013).
19. Medibank Private Limited—
Report for 2012-13 (received 8 October 2013).
Statement of corporate intent 2013-14 (received 8 October 2013).
20. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care—Report for 2012-13 (received 15 October 2013).
21. Administrative Appeals Tribunal—Report for 2012-13 (received 17 October 2013).
22. Australian Federal Police (AFP)—Report for 2012-13 (received 17 October 2013).
23. Crimes Act 1914—Authorisations for the acquisition and use of assumed identities—Australian Federal Police—Report for 2012-13 (received 17 October 2013).
24. Crimes Act 1914—Controlled operations—Report for 2012-13 (received 17 October 2013).
25. Witness Protection Act 1994—Report for 2012-13 on the operation of the National Witness Protection Program (received 17 October 2013).
26. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
27. Australian Hearing Services (Australian Hearing)—Report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
28. Australian Postal Corporation (Australia Post)—
Report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
Diversity and inclusion report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
Statement of corporate intent 2013-14 to 2016-17 (received 18 October 2013).
29. Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office—Report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
30. Classification Board and Classification Review Board—Reports for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
31. Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 18 October 2013).
32. Commonwealth Grants Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 22 October 2013).
33. Department of Human Services—Report for 2012-13 (received 22 October 2013).
34. Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)—Report for 2012-13 (received
22 October 2013).
35. Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS)—Report for 2012-13 (received
23 October 2013).
36. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
37. Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC)—Report No. 121—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
38. Family Court of Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
39. Family Law Council—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
40. Health Workforce Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
41. National Gallery of Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 23 October 2013).
42. Australian Government Solicitor (AGS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
43. Australian Maritime Safety Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
44. Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
45. Australian Research Council (ARC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
46. Federal Circuit Court of Australia (formerly Federal Magistrates Court of Australia)—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
47. Federal Court of Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
48. Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
49. National Water Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
50. Reserve Bank of Australia—Reports for 2012-13—
Annual report (received 24 October 2013). Equity and diversity (received 24 October 2013).
Payments System Board (received 24 October 2013).
51. Screen Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
52. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet—Report for 2012-13 (received 24 October 2013).
53. Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
54. Inspector-General of Taxation—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
55. Private Health Insurance Ombudsman—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
56. Superannuation Complaints Tribunal—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
57. Australian War Memorial—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
58. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry—Report for 2012-13 (received 25 October 2013).
59. Army and Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
60. Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
61. Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)—Report for the period 3 December 2012 to 30 June 2013 (received 28 October 2013).
62. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
63. Australian Taxation Office (ATO)—Report of the Commissioner of Taxation for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
64. Cancer Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
65. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities—Report for 2012-13, including reports on the operation of Acts administered by the department, report of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, and financial statements of the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia (received 28 October 2013).
66. Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
67. Tax Practitioners Board—Report for 2012-13 (received 28 October 2013).
68. Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Limited—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
69. Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
70. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) —Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
71. Australian Institute of Criminology—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
72. Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
73. Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
74. Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
75. Bureau of Meteorology—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
76. CrimTrac Agency—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
77. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs—Report for 2012-13, including the Aboriginals Benefit Account and Coordinator General for Remote Indigenous Services reports for 2012-13 and financial statements for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account (received 29 October 2013).
78. Repatriation Commission, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission and the Department of Veterans' Affairs—Reports for 2012-13, including financial statements of the Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme (received 29 October 2013).
79. Veterans' Review Board—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
80. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Report for 2012-13, including report of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) (received 29 October 2013).
81. Australian Human Rights Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
82. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
83. Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board (CALDB)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
84. Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
85. Crimes Act 1914—Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity—Reports for 2012- 13—
Authorisations for the acquisition and use of assumed identities (received 29 October 2013).
Witness identity protection certificates (received 29 October 2013).
86. Department of Finance and Deregulation—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
87. Department of Immigration and Citizenship—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
88. Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
89. NBN Co Limited—
Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
Letter to the Chairman of NBN Co Ltd (Mr Switkowski) from the Minister for Communication and the Minister for Finance, dated 24 October 2013 (received 29 October 2013).
90. Productivity Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
91. Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency—Report for 2012-13 (received 29 October 2013).
92. Australia Council for the Arts (Australia Council)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
93. Australian Information Commissioner—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
94. Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
95. Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
96. Australian Public Service Commission—Report of the Australian Public Service Commissioner for 2012-13, including report of the Merit Protection Commissioner (received 30 October 2013).
97. Australian Sports Commission—Report for 2012-13, including financial statements of the Australian Sports Foundation Limited (received 30 October 2013).
98. Commonwealth Ombudsman—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
99. ComSuper—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
100. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
101. Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate (Fair Work Building and Construction)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
102. Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (Australian Financial Security Authority) —Report for 2012-13, including reports on the operation of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (received 30 October 2013).
103. International Air Services Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
104. Remuneration Tribunal—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
105. Airservices Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
106. Attorney-General's Department—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
107. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
108. Australian Crime Commission (ACC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
109. Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
110. Australian National Maritime Museum—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
111. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
112. Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
113. Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education—Report for 2012-13, including reports of IP Australia and the Tuition Protection Service (received 30 October 2013).
114. Department of Infrastructure and Transport—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
115. Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport—Report for 2012-13, including report on the operation of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (received 30 October 2013).
116. Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, including report of Geoscience Australia— Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
117. Gene Technology Regulator—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
118. Moorebank Intermodal Company Limited—Report for the period 13 December 2012 to 30 June 2013 (received 30 October 2013).
119. National Competition Council—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
120. National Film and Sound Archive—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
121. National Health Performance Authority (NHPA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
122. Office of Parliamentary Counsel—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
123. Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
124. Public Lending Right Committee—Report for 2012-13 (received 30 October 2013).
125. Supervising Scientist—Report for 2012-13 on the operation of the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978 (received 30 October 2013).
126. Australian Bureau of Statistics—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
127. Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)—Report for 2012-13 (received
31 October 2013).
128. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
129. Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
130. Australian Statistics Advisory Council—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
131. Bundanon Trust Limited—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
132. Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
133. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
134. Fair Work Ombudsman—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
135. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
136. Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS)—Report for 2012-13 (received
137. National Archives of Australia and National Archives of Australia Advisory Council—Reports for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
138. National Blood Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
139. National Health Funding Body—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
140. National Health Funding Pool—Report for 2012-13, including financial statements for state and territory State Pool Accounts (received 31 October 2013).
141. National Library of Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
142. National Museum of Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
143. Repatriation Medical Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
144. Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission and Comcare—Reports for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
145. Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (Seacare)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
146. Sydney Harbour Federation Trust—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
147. Tourism Australia—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
148. Aged Care Commissioner—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
149. Auditing and Assurance Standards Board—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
150. Australian Accounting Standards Board—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
151. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
152. Australian National Preventive Health Agency—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
153. Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
154. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
155. Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
156. Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
157. Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
158. Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
159. Clean Energy Regulator—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
160. Department of Health and Ageing—Report for 2012-13 (2 volumes), including report of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee annual report on processes, and financial statements for the Therapeutic Goods Administration (received 31 October 2013).
161. Department of the Treasury—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
162. Director of National Parks—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013).
163. Financial Reporting Council—Report for 2012-13 on auditor independence (received 31 October 2013).
164. Future Fund Board of Guardians and Future Fund Management Agency (Future Fund)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
165. National Australia Day Council Limited—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
166. National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
167. National Mental Health Commission—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
168. National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
169. Professional Services Review—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
170. Takeovers Panel—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
171. Wine Australia Corporation—Report for 2012-13 (received 31 October 2013) .
172. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)—Report for 2012-13 (received 1 November 2013) .
173. Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited (ARTC)—Report for 2012-13 (received 1 November 2013) .
174. Climate Change Authority—Report for 2012-13 (received 1 November 2013) .
175. National Transport Commission (NTC Australia)—Report for 2012-13 (received 1 November 2013) .
176. Fair Work Commission (formerly Fair Work Australia)—Report for 2012-13 (received 4 November 2013) .
177. Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012— Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal—Report for 2012 13 (received 4 November 2013) .
178. Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited (ASPI)—Report for 2012-13 (received 6 November 2013) .
179. Defence Housing Australia (DHA)—Report for 2012-13 (received 6 November 2013) .
180. Old Parliament House (Museum of Australian Democracy)—Report for 2012-13 (received 6 November 2013).
181. Private Health Insurance Administration Council—Report for 2012-13 (received 6 November 2013) .
182. Services Trust Funds—Ro
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