Senate debates

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Royal National Park

12:39 pm

Photo of Lee RhiannonLee Rhiannon (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I, and also on behalf of Senator Waters, move:

That the Senate—

(a) recognises that:

(i) the Royal National Park in New South Wales is Australia's first national park, one of the world's oldest public parks, and the first to be proclaimed as a 'national park', and

(ii) the Royal National Park is home to outstanding universal environmental, cultural and social values;

(b) congratulates the community group First National Park which, since 2010, has campaigned for the Royal National Park, Garawarra State Conservation Area and Heathcote National Park to be World Heritage listed, for winning New South Wales State Government and Federal Government support for their World Heritage nomination; and

(c) calls on the Abbott Government to:

(i) continue supporting the proposal to list the Royal National Park, Garawarra State Conservation Area and Heathcote National Park as a World Heritage site, and

(ii) affirm the importance of Australia's national parks, and especially those already on the World Heritage List, by:

  (A) guaranteeing federal safeguards to protect these parks from threats to their outstanding universal values from mining, grazing, logging, shooting and development, and

  (B) recognising Australia has the highest level of extinctions in the world with a continuing species decline that is the worst of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and among the world's highest.


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