Senate debates

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Abbott Government

5:38 pm

Photo of Bridget McKenzieBridget McKenzie (Victoria, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

You could ask them, Senator Farrell, though you might want to wait until I ask the question before you attempt to answer it, because the question I would be straw-polling is: 'Do you know what Tony Abbott's government's No. 1 election promise was, prior to election day?' And I can tell you, Senator Farrell, you will get them in droves. To a man, woman and child they will all be able to quote back what Tony Abbott had promised to do, and it was to repeal the carbon tax. We were mocked about how often we said it. And now you stand in the way of what the Australian people voted for, and what has been on our legislative agenda here in the Senate. So for you to be moving a motion here that condemns us for not meeting our election promises while you stand in the way of us actually being able to vote on the No. 1 election promise, despite having the opportunity from day one to do so is, I think, the height of hypocrisy.

You have to accept the will of the Australian people. They were very, very clear. We promised legislation to scrap Labor's disastrous mining tax—a tax without revenue that has hit at confidence in this vital sector. It is time for the mining tax to go. It is also on the Red. We can vote on it anytime you like. You can assist us. You do not have to condemn us. You can actually assist us to fulfil our election promises. And we look forward to you assisting us to fulfil our election promises rather than trying to condemn us. We are systematically going about the task of implementing our promises and doing what Australians asked us to do at the ballot box. We are dealing with the debt cap, the budget, Labor's NBN, schools funding and Labor taxes. And you need to get on board and assist us to do the job, not condemn us and stall the program.

Other achievements so far include Operation Sovereign Borders. We have said our policy would mean lower taxes and lower costs, and almost 100 announced but unlegislated tax changes are being dealt with. You actually could not get your legislative program together. Does anybody seriously remember the last day of sitting in the last parliament before we headed off to summer break? Remember, Senator Farrell? You are looking blankly at me. Let me remind you—

Senator Ronaldson interjecting—

No, Senator Ronaldson; don't go there!


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