Senate debates

Monday, 23 June 2014

Questions without Notice

Asylum Seekers

2:09 pm

Photo of Michaelia CashMichaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection) Share this | Hansard source

Step 1 is you actually stop the problem. That is exactly what we have done by implementing Operation Sovereign Borders. Despite everything that the other side said could never be done, we have done it.

Step 2 is that you end up dealing with the legacy case load left by the former Rudd and Gillard Labor governments. Many in Australia do not know that approximately 30,000 people were dumped into the community by the former government and left to languish there with their claims not even being processed. That is right: they were dumped into the community by those on the other side. Labor and the Greens, in rejecting or disallowing the temporary protection visas that we brought in to deal with the legacy case load, have caused nothing more and nothing less than needless worry to those who just want their claim processed. (Time expired)


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