Senate debates
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Statement by the President
Photography of the Senate
12:33 pm
Stephen Parry (President) Share this | Hansard source
Just before I call the clerk, as I indicated last week the media have requested that photographs be taken during divisions. With the concurrence of the Senate, I seek that concurrence to allow photographs to be taken by press gallery photographers of divisions in the chamber for the remainder of this week on the following three conditions that I imposed last week—that the photographs be broad shots of the chamber only, that individual senators or groups of senators not be the focus of any particular shot and that the media rules are otherwise complied with at all times. And before I seek that concurrence, I will indicate that I intend over the next coming weeks to have discussions with representatives of the press gallery about photography in the Senate chamber in general, and no action will be taken until I report back to the Senate. Do I have the concurrence of the Senate?
Question agreed to.
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