Senate debates
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Beef Industry
3:54 pm
Peter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source
That the Senate notes:
(a) the seven recommendations of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee's inquiry into industry structures and systems governing levies on grass-fed cattle;
(b) that the Minister for Agriculture (Mr Joyce):
(i) has only supported, in principle, two of the seven recommendations, and
(ii) has rejected the primary recommendation, being the establishment of a legislated producer-owned body;
(c) that the Australian Beef Association, the Cattle Council of Australia, and the Australian Meat Producers Group and Concerned Beef Producers have presented a united voice to the Minister for Agriculture in support of the primary recommendation to establish a legislated producer-owned body; and
(d) that claims by the Liberal and National parties that they are supporters of the Australian beef industry are undermined by the failure of the Minister for Agriculture to support the united voice of beef producers.
I seek leave to make a short statement.
The PRESIDENT:Leave is granted for one minute.
Last year the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee put down a Senate report that recommended a total overhaul of the beef levy system in this country. Ten years prior to that the same committee made the same recommendation. There was a considerable amount of hope and optimism among beef producers around this country that we would actually see an overhaul of the beef levy system. Twelve months and seven recommendations later, only two of them have been given in-principle support by the government but there has been absolutely no action. This motion is very clear here today. This is a rocket from the Senate to go underneath the Minister for Agriculture. I admit, it may not lift him off the ground but it will make him uncomfortable. He needs to act on the Senate recommendations and he needs to act now. If he really does support beef producers—
An honourable senator interjecting—
The same to you, Senator—the Senate will reaffirm the position the Senate took 12 months ago. (Time expired)
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