Senate debates

Tuesday, 15 March 2016



1:22 pm

Photo of Stephen ParryStephen Parry (President) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you. I am happy to rule. In relation to the points that have been put forward, I will allow Senator Lazarus to continue with his motion. But I will give notice to all senators that I will not allow a further suspension of standing orders in relation to the routine of business. That has been determined by the Senate—

Senator Wong interjecting—

I am still speaking, Senator Wong. That has been determined by the Senate now on four occasions. I agree with Senator Brandis about the substance of this motion; it is identical apart from the different bill name that has been inserted. The motion is achieving the same thing. If I were to allow this to continue, it could go all day and would disrupt the work of the Senate. The Senate has decided its business. I will allow this one last time with Senator Lazarus. Senator Wong?


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