Senate debates
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Economics References Committee; Appointment
4:00 pm
Stephen Parry (President) Share this | Hansard source
I will just indicate to the Senate that the Procedure Committee has examined this issue and, in relation to the discovery of formal business and formal motions, it has been determined—more by convention, not by want—that short statements of one minute are normally granted to provide an explanation, not to be used for debating points. Also, the convention has been that only one senator per party would ever speak, and I just remind the Senate of that—obviously any senator. And the Senate can grant leave for any course of action. But I just remind the Senate of the purpose of this. This is the discovery of formal motions, where debate is not entertained.
The question is that the motion moved by Senator Whish-Wilson be agreed to.
Question negatived.
Debate adjourned.
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