Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Transport Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2016; Second Reading

7:13 pm

Photo of Glenn SterleGlenn Sterle (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I too rise to make my comments on the Transport Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2016, which we know has passed through the other house. We also know that Labor supports this bill; there is no argument. There is nothing more important in terms of transport than the security of our ports and our wharfs. And I can say that with a bit of background, because it was the Rural, Regional Affairs and Transport Committee, back when I first walked into this place, that was doing the inquiry into the MSIC—the Maritime Security Identification Card. But the previous card, the ASIC, as you would well know, Mr Acting Deputy President Gallacher, with your experience, like mine, around the airport—actually, you have far more experience around the airport, being a worn-out old baggage handler, which I say with the greatest of respect, because that is a tough gig, especially when you are doing it in Darwin or Alice Springs, like you did for many, many years, and kept those flights going. You were a magnificent servant to our nation, Mr Acting Deputy President.


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