Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Questions without Notice

Iraq and Syria

2:36 pm

Photo of Marise PayneMarise Payne (NSW, Liberal Party, Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

Indeed the military aspect is just one aspect of the Australian government's approach to defeating Daesh. Defence works closely with a range of other government agencies and our international counterparts to defeat this threat and to dissuade others from joining this drastically misguided cause. As well as our military effort, the government is committed to countering Daesh's narrative through the use of social media to counter Daesh propaganda, to tackling Daesh's financial and economic infrastructure to impede the funding of Daesh-inspired operations and to discouraging and preventing the flow of foreign terrorist fighters joining Daesh's ranks. We are working very closely with the military and with law enforcement agencies across our region to prevent the spread of Daesh into South-East Asia. This is an absolute imperative for the Australian government. The government also recognises the magnitude of the humanitarian challenge and remains committed to providing much-needed humanitarian support to Syria and its neighbours. We are absolutely committed to defeating this abhorrent terrorist organisation across all lines of government effort. (Time expired)


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