Senate debates

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Questions without Notice


2:43 pm

Photo of Mitch FifieldMitch Fifield (Victoria, Liberal Party, Manager of Government Business in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

Usually in response to such a question, a minister will say yes. I have to answer honestly: on this occasion, I'm not too sure. The Leader of the Opposition and the shadow minister can't seem to settle on what their NBN policy is. One day their policy is fibre to the premises; the next day it's fibre to the curb. On 23 July Michelle Rowland announced that Labor's policy was fibre to the curb, but then on 25 July she said that fibre to the curb isn't Labor policy. She's also claimed that NBN's decision to adopt fibre to the curb in some places proves beyond doubt that the copper age is dead. I point out something to her: with fibre to the curb, you still have copper. That is something that even the Leader of the Opposition recognises and realises.


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