Senate debates

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Questions without Notice

Australian Defence Force

2:43 pm

Photo of Marise PayneMarise Payne (NSW, Liberal Party, Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

Indeed, last week I was in Rockhampton with the member for Capricornia, Michelle Landry, to discuss local industry involvement as per the Local Industry Capability Plan with the Shoalwater Bay Training Area remediation project and the Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative. The managing contractor for the Shoalwater Bay Training Area remediation project has developed a Local Industry Capability Plan which will ensure local businesses have the opportunity to take advantage of the work arising from this project. Through the implementation of the Local Industry Capability Plan approach, the managing contractor for the Shoalwater Bay remediation has committed to sourcing 80 per cent of its construction contractors from the Livingstone and Rockhampton regions—let me repeat that: 80 per cent from the local regions around the Shoalwater Bay Training Area. This absolutely confirms that the government's LICP initiative is creating local jobs and investment near our key defence facilities and enabling those local trades to strengthen themselves as well.


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