Senate debates

Thursday, 4 July 2019


Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Relief So Working Australians Keep More Of Their Money) Bill 2019; Second Reading

3:30 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Let me summarise, in the last few minutes that I have left, that the Greens clearly and loudly reject this government's tax package, its plan, its vision for the Australian economy, which gives more money to millionaires and risks the services that vulnerable Australians so desperately need into the future. These tax cuts will do nothing to help those who need our funds the most. They will do nothing to restructure Australia's economy for the 21st century. They will hamstring future governments from providing the public services, the infrastructure and the vision that will underpin a prosperous and happy Australia into the next century. They will turbocharge already growing inequality. These tax cuts are a $158 billion decision to starve future governments in favour of higher income earners having more money.

The Greens believe in a different future for this country. We have a different economic plan for employing Australians, for tackling inequality, for tackling the great crises of our time. A $158 billion question—that's what we're voting on here today, all on the back of a political imperative for this government to go to an election, to hang onto power. We flatly, openly and loudly reject this unscrutinised legislation, this $158 billion, this attempt to bribe the Australian people to make sure the LNP can hang onto power and give more money to their rich mates.

The Greens will continue to be the opposition in this place until the Labor Party decide to stand up and join us. I know that millions of people around this country voted for the Labor Party because they wanted an alternative to this government and their ideological agenda, and I know that so many of them would be disappointed out there this week, in the first few days, to see the Labor Party tank in their very first game of the season. That is absolutely crucial for this 46th Parliament. We'll continue to be the real opposition in this place and we'll continue to push the Labor Party to stand up. (Time expired)


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