Senate debates

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Questions without Notice


2:22 pm

Photo of Mathias CormannMathias Cormann (WA, Liberal Party, Vice-President of the Executive Council) Share this | Hansard source

Firstly, I completely reject the premise of the question and the characterisation of the question. Secondly, the government's policy has not changed, as the Prime Minister, the Treasurer and I have now consistently stated. In fact, the policy is reflected in legislation.

Let me point out to the Senate that the question really is: what has happened to Labor's policy? They went to the last election proposing to increase taxes on Australians' retirement savings by more than $30 billion. Bill Shorten was preparing to put his hands into the pockets of Australians who have worked hard and were saving for their retirement. We don't know what Labor's position is in relation to that $30 billion tax hike. Does Mr Albanese still support the Shorten position of higher taxes on superannuation?

We went to the last election making very clear commitments. We stand by the commitments we made before the election. Our government's policy hasn't changed. (Time expired)


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