Senate debates

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Questions without Notice


2:24 pm

Photo of Mathias CormannMathias Cormann (WA, Liberal Party, Vice-President of the Executive Council) Share this | Hansard source

The Liberal-National team is, of course, a very strong and united team which went to the last election with a clear agenda to build a stronger economy, create more jobs and, indeed, ensure that Australians can be safe and secure. If only there was a bit more division on the Labor side when it comes to protecting people's superannuation savings. If only there was a bit less unity on the Labor side behind this proposition that there should be higher taxes on everyone that moves across Australia. The truth is: if Labor had been successful at the last election, Australians saving for their retirement would be $30 billion worse off right now. It's to the great relief of Australians right around Australia saving for their retirement that the Labor Party was unsuccessful and that we have been successful, because taxes across Australia will be lower as a result, the economy will be stronger and, indeed, Australians will be safer and more secure.


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