Senate debates
Monday, 2 December 2019
3:39 pm
Mehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source
I, and also on behalf of Senators Di Natale and O'Neill, move:
That the Senate—
(a) notes with deep concern the findings of the:
(i) Charles Sturt University's report Islamophobia in Australia 2019, which shows:
(A) between 2016 and 2017, 349 incidents of anti-Muslim racism reported to the lslamophobia register,
(B) severe attacks requiring hospitalisation more than doubled from 2% to 5%,
(C) most incidents of racism towards Muslims involve the targeting of women – 72% of the victims of lslamophobia were women, and almost all were wearing a hijab or scarf at the time of the incident,
(D) attacks in public areas have become more common, with harassment of Muslims in public areas in the presence of security officers and CCTV jumping by 30%,
(E) the second most common place for harassment was schools and universities, with incident reports outlining racist slurs from other students, teachers, principals and sports coaches, and
(F) insults targeting Muslims' religious appearance and religion were the highest at 67% of all reported incidents, and
(ii) All Together Now 2019 study which analysed 281 media pieces from the most popular newspapers and television shows over a 12-month period, which show:
(A) racialised identities most often discussed negatively in media included Muslim Australians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and African Australians,
(B) Muslim Australians were the most frequently targeted, with 63 of the 281 pieces discussing Muslims specifically,
(C) Muslim women are most often targeted by negatively racialised social commentary, with perpetrators primarily being mainstream newspapers, and
(D) social commentators expressed racist views in both overt and covert ways, such as dog-whistling, decontextualisation and irony;
(b) denounces lslamophobia in all its forms;
(c) condemns lslamophobia in public debate and in the media; and
(d) calls on the Federal Government to show leadership at the national level to stop the spread of lslamophobia.
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