Senate debates

Monday, 2 December 2019


World AIDS Day

3:41 pm

Photo of Anne UrquhartAnne Urquhart (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

At the request of Senators Pratt, Dean Smith and Di Natale, I move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

  (i) 1 December 2019 is World AIDS Day, an annual day to acknowledge those we have lost to AIDS-related conditions and those who are living with HIV,

  (ii) the theme for World AIDS Day 2019 is 'Every Journey Counts',

  (iii) stigma associated with HIV acts as a barrier to treatment and prevention,

  (iv) action, as outlined for implementation in the Eighth National HIV Strategy, is needed to address rising HIV transmission among First Nations, trans and gender diverse people, and other emerging high-risk population groups,

  (v) while there has been a decrease in new transmissions, gay and bisexual men continue to bear the burden of Australia's HIV epidemic, and ongoing health education and awareness among this population group is needed,

  (vi) ongoing bipartisan political action and leadership is required to meet our national target of ending HIV transmission in Australia, and

  (vii) the priority areas for action in the Eighth National HIV Strategy include:

     (A) education and prevention,

     (B) testing, treatment and management,

     (C) equitable access to and coordination of care,

     (D) workforce,

     (E) addressing stigma and creating an enabling environment, and

     (F) data, surveillance, research and evaluation; and

(b) recognises and acknowledges:

  (i) the journey that people have made through their diagnosis, treatment and experiences of living with HIV,

  (ii) the tremendous efforts of peer educators, healthcare professionals, researchers and scientists in developing treatment and prevention regimes that have improved the lives of people living with HIV, and prevented a generalised epidemic in Australia, and

  (iii) the tireless community advocates, civil society organisations and support groups that actively tackle stigma associated with HIV.

Question agreed to.


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