Senate debates
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Questions without Notice
COVID-19: Defence Industry
2:29 pm
Linda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source
Thank you very much, Senator Henderson. Yes, I can. This government's $200 billion investment in new defence capability is now more important than ever. We must ensure that both our ADF and our defence industry here in Australia remain strong. This government's investment in Australia's defence industry will play an increasingly important part in our nation's economic recovery. In addition to paying out early over $4.7 billion to defence industry, we've implemented a number of other measures to assist defence industry and also to help stimulate our nation's economy. These include increasing and accelerating $850 million in state infrastructure expenditure right across the nation and supporting defence innovation, skilling and sovereign industrial development through our grants programs. We are continuing to proactively identify new opportunities to ensure that defence industry weathers the COVID-19 pandemic.
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